RAMMER RGP13R Rotating Grabs

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Total Rockbreaking Solutions - WA

10 Ferguson Street

Kewdale, WA

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Title RAMMER RGP13R Rotating Grabs
Type Machinery Attachments
Sub Type Grabs
Model RGP13R
Series Rotating Grabs
Sale Price $22,629 ex GST
Listing Type New
Stock Number S12
RefCode TA1224988


Robust and accurate Rammer RGP13R Grab is suitable for heavy duty tasks in demolition and material handling applications and also for picking and sorting tasks when accuracy is required.

- Suit carriers from 10 to 15 t
- Working weight 820 kg
- Capacity 400 l
- Max jaws opening 1,700 mm
- Working pressure 300 - 320 bar
- Oil flow 20 - 30 l/min
- Rotation oil pressure 130 - 150 bar
- Rotation oil flow 15 - 20 l/min

$22,629 + GST

As the authorised dealer in WA for Rammer, Simex, ALLU, PneuVibe, Daehan, Steelwrist and TEFRA, we can ensure that our existing and new customers receive the industry's highest-quality support, while enjoying the industry leading performance and reliability they have grown to expect from these products.

A great range of genuine tools, parts, consumables and accessories are readily
available in our warehouse.